Command line interface to Tango

scadat -h

Usage: [-h] [-v] [-t T] [ -l | -r R [R ...] | -a A [A] | -c C [C] | -p P [P]]

Command line interface to TANGO_HOST. (default: export TANGO_HOST=localhost:10000)

optional arguments:
  -h            show this help message and exit
  -v            increase verbosity using -v,-vv,-vvv
  -l            List tango devices
  -r R [R...]   Read attributes,commands and properties for devices: e.g. scadat -r sys/tg_test/1
  -a A [A]      Write attributes: e.g.
                scadat -a sys/tg_test/1/string_scalar 'hello world'
  -c C [C]      Write commands: e.g.
                scadat -c sys/tg_test/1/DevLong 1234
  -p P [P]      Write properties: e.g.
                scadat -p sys/tg_test/1/myproperty test

Install Tango on debian or ubuntu
apt install mariadb-server

vi /etc/mysql/my.cnf

apt install tango-db tango-test python-pytango

Install scadat
git clone
cd scadat
./scadat -h

cd test  

A sample server is available at Simulator 
